Creating Account Last updated: 2020-05-01


No Credit Card is required to sign up. Just sign up and try Corpus.

After you sign up, you will be the admin of your tenant. You can add users and edit your tenant info. Some initial models will be generated for you. This documentation will help you to use all functions of the corpus and will help you to understand what corpus makes to improve your workload process.

Sign Up Button

You will define the name of your tenant, it can be edited later. After you add a secure email address, which you use daily, you will get a confirmation link from the Corpus to confirm your account. And some important issues on the system will be solved through this email such as reseting your password.

Sign Up Button:

Editing Tenant Info

With this, you can easily update your tenant info, details will be needed for other models such as payments & payment reports.

Editing Tenant Info:

Editing Your Details

With this, form you can easily update your info.

Editing Your Info:

Adding Users

The admin of the tenant can add new users to the account in order to make all staff can work and coordinate on the same system. Each user can be added to the system with their specifically defined tasks. Just fill in the form with valid params!

Adding New Users:

Indexing Users

You can see all users with detailed info.

Indexing All Users:

User Menu

A left click on the raw of the user will give you the user menu details.

User Menu:

User Privileges

Notes About User Privileges

Only admins can add users to the system.

Only admins can add admins to the system.

Only admins can remove users from the system.

Only admins can delete records.

Only admins can add categories.

Only admins organise categories.

Creating Category Last updated: 2020-05-01

Details about how to use categories through Corpus.

Indexing Categories

Through corpus, you are free to add unlimited categories, and to add new users. These categories will be beneficial for various reasons. Here you see the categories of Anatolialit. Each category has its related user, which are indexed in their categories. All users have automatic e-mails about the actions of their categories.

New Categories

With this button you can reach the new categories form below.

This is the new category button.

This is the new category form. All users and subcategories will be autocompleted as you type.

Category Menu

As you left click, the category raw and the related menu will be opened as below.

Reach Category menu with left-click to edit and remove your records.


If you remove a category, all the records related with that category will be deleted. In addition, this efects the notifications of the deleted category for the users assigned them. Beware of this! Before removing a category, be sure about the records under the category [such as books, submissions, contracts, payments and payment reports] to not be in process.

Category Subcontract & Formats

Subcontracts and formats are the easy way of tagging your categories in special needs.

This is the format and subcontract category of a category.

Category Users & Notifications

You can add users to the categories you want. By this, the actions can only be available for the users who are added under the related category. Admins have the authority to change the user and category options. For example, the users recorded in accounting can only see the payment and payment report details. The privileges are being developed, you have chance to request new types of privileges in future developments.

This screen shot shows you an example about adding user(s) to the ”Foreign Fiction” category on the category form.

Publisher & Agencies Last updated: 2020-05-01

Details about how to use Publisher & Agencies model through Corpus.

Indexing Publishers & Agencies

As all other models, publishers can be indexed with certain attributes. This model indicates some accounting prerequisites.

This is the index of publisher & agencies model.
These are the attributes that are available for publisher & agency model.

Creating Publishers & Agencies

Like as all other models, when you are in publisher model on the database menu, the 'new publisher/agency' button will appear on the menu as below.

This is the form of publisher & agencies model.

Menu of Publishers & Agencies

When you click on the raw data, the publisher menu will be opened. The menu indicates important functions that can be applied to any raw data.

This is the menu of publisher & agency model.


You have the options of “edit”, “delete”, and “edit notes” in this menu. Only admins can use the remove menu.

Search of Publishers & Agencies

Like as all other models, when you are in publisher model on the database menu, your “search submit form” in the menu will help you to search fastly in all publisher & agency model.

This is the form of publisher & agencies model search.

Filter of Publishers & Agencies

Like as all other models, when you are in publisher model on the database menu, your filter button for publishers/agencies is active.

This is the form of publisher & agencies model filtering.

Bulk data actions & Getting excell reports of Publishers

As you index, search and filter on this model, you can function some type of bulk data actions on this model.

This is the button of publisher & agencies model bulk data actions.
This is the menu of publisher & agencies model bulk data actions.


You can download all the mails from your recorded contacts in your publisher model.

Books Indexing & Filtering & Searching Last updated: 2020-05-01

Details about how to use Books model through Corpus.

Indexing Books

You can index books by clicking the sub-menu under “database”, “book received”.

This is the index page of your book received model.

This model shows you the book attributes with their titles, author, publisher, category, country, language, date of arrival and format.

Book Menu

Left clicking the raws will open the menu for each book record.


The menu will help you to process some functions such as

Showing the raw data on a column.

Editing the raw data.

Easy editing of the book notes.

Destroying the record.

This is the book menu that will be opened when left clickling any raw data. You can see 'show, edit, destroy and edit note' options on this menu that will help you to manage some processes easily.

Creating Books

Adding new received book.

This is the new book form.
Auto-complete author attribute on forms. All previously recorded author names can are used by auto-completer in new book forms. It helps you to find out previously registered attributes easily.
Auto-complete publisher attribute on forms. The previously recorded publisher data is used by auto-completer in new book forms. It helps you to find out the previously registered attributes easily.
As your publisher is recorded with initials, they will be fetched as here.

Searching Books

Full text searching on books. A fast attributes search is available on book model. It will really help you for quick responses.

This is the book search form.

Filtering Books

Whenever you use the “books" submenu under the “database” menu, the button of “Filter Book Received” appears for the book model.

This is the book filtering form.
This is the auto complete option for authors on filtering form.
This is the auto complete option for publishers on filtering form.


Publisher and Author names in the system will be used for auto completion on filter forms.

Bulk Data Actions

Thanks to the bulk data menu, you can remove or download your all data in table form.

This is the book bulk data action menu right on the corner.
This is the book bulk data actions that are available for book model.


If you do a search, or you filter on a model, you will have some important data are on the screen. And you have chance to process over this chosen data parts. You can remove or download this spesific data in excel format. This generally helps for creating the reports of special data clusters.
Just click on the bulk data action menu when the results are on the screen.

Submissions' Indexing & Filtering & Searching Last updated: 2020-05-01

Details about how to use Submission model through Corpus.

Indexing Submissions

You can index submissions by clicking the “database” sub menu under the “submissions.”

As you see on the submissions screen, all the workload you have to deal with is attributed to the specific users that can be seen on your submissions index.

You can record your submissions with some categories such as author, source Publisher/language, Option Targets and Target Country.

Submissions' Menu

You can click on each raw for the submissions' menu and action window will appear. As in all other models, according to your priviliges, you will see the action buttons here as below.

The users, who are authorized for the submissions model, can record the data of their parts and keep the list up-to-date all time. In this way, other staff and the departments keep up with latest situation. The users can take notes about their parts on the “notes” model.

Creating Submissions

When your submissions model page is active, you will see “new submission” button is also activated as below.

New submission with the auto complete titles from the book titles indexed in the previous model.
New submission with the fetching details from the book, indexed in the previous model.
New submission with the auto complete agent details from the user menu, the default values for the agent.
 The function of “Add Option Target” make you record your offers sent to the publishers, agents or co-agents, the editor(s) whom you contact with, the status of the offer and the format of the book and dates.
Corpus offers you auto complete options for Publisher name from the previously recorded data from the publishers & co-agents model.
Corpus offers you auto complete options for Publisher contacts.

Generating Contracts through Submissions' Status

When you on the option target, and status of the offer becomes "Offer Accepted", In the next step, a new contract is generated automatically and the user(s) related to the category will get the new contract created notification mail.

As the status of the option target in the attachment gets 'Offer Accepted', the book's contract will be generated automatically.

Searching Submissions

When you click on “Submission” in “Database Menu”, your fast search option will be active on the menu.

With this search option, you can easily full text search in this model.
With this search option, you can easily use some bulk data actions as in other models.


Remind that, only admins have the privilege to remove data.

Filtering Submissions

When you click on “Submission” in database menu, your filtering option will be active on the menu.

In this filtering option, you can easily autocomplete the attributes according to the records, saved on the system. Here is an example of the book title.
In this filtering option, you can easily autocomplete attributes according to the records, saved on the system. Here is an example of the author names.
In this filtering option, you can easily use bulk data actions as previous models.
In this filtering option, you can easily use bulk data actions as previous models. And generate your excel docs according to the filtered results with the download list option.

Contracts' Indexing & Filtering & Searching Last updated: 2020-05-01

Details about how to use Contracts model through Corpus.

Indexing Contracts

You can index contracts by clicking the Database sub-menu under, Contracts.

indexing contracts
indexing contracts
You can see your Contracts and sort them by different indicators.

Contracts Menu

Left click on a raw of the data opens the menu actions.

Each model has spesific action types.

Creating Contracts

New Contract from scratch, normally contracts are generated automatically with triggering the submission model when the submission status is “approved”. But clients have the options to create contracts manually. All the information needed in the form are also auto-completable thanks to the data you have already recorded.

Titles can be autocompleted through book titles recorded on the system.
As before, most of the form elements have fetch and autocomplete functionality.
Categories can be fetched through recorded category names on the Categories model.
Published data indicates the detailed variables such as title, date, number of copies.
Bandrol data indicates variables about your contract's bandrol details.
If the contract is assigned to co-agent, you can note it to follow it in the future processes.
Each contract has a definitive status.

Contracts Generators

Generating invoices and payments dependent on the contract data.

As the left click button opens a menu, it triggers some functions on the raw data. Normally after the status of the submission turns to “complete” on a contract, it generates a payment depend on the contract. By this, you can generate the payment, which you agreed on your contract automatically. Corpus also trigger the functionality of invoices depend on the contract. The samples and the variables it indicates will be explained in the next slides.
Contract source can be fetched into an invoice with such parameters. When invoicing for a publisher, it fetches most of the variables from the publisher model if it is previously saved.
Your variables ,which are recorded can be fetched into the invoice, are seen here. Also Corpus helps you to send the invoice as an attachment to the contacts of the recorded publisher by an automatic e-mail.
Also you can generate invoices for the target publisher with the variables above (Target name, phone, contract name and address).
Also you can generate invoices for the target publisher with the variables above.

Searching & Filtering Contracts & bulk data actions

Full-text search and filters on contract model.

You can make full text search in contract model with author name, Publisher name, book name etc.
Filtering Contracts 1 - contracts can be filtered with these parameters. Autocomplete functionality is available during the contract filtering form as before.
Bulk data actions are also available for full text search and filtering. You can use these actions on the attachment with the contract model's searching and filtering.


Also all auto completers for the previously recorded data is available in Contract Filter Form.

Payments' Indexing & Filtering & Searching Last updated: 2020-05-01

You can index payments by clicking the Payments sub-menu under Database.

Indexing Payments

You can index payments by clicking the sub menu under database, payments.


Only if you are the user that is assigned to Accounting category, you have the privileges to see Payments & Payment Reports. Also admins can see payments.

These are the attributes you can use on the payment model.
Payments indexing with paging. Payment module can index plenty of records at once. This page helps you to list all your payment on a list.

Creating Payments

You can create payments by clicking the Payments sub menu under Database, Than your New Payment button will be active.


Under normal conditions, your payment will be generated automatically when your contract status is complete. But if you need to create it from scratch. You have chance to use new payment button, and form as in the attachment.

This is the new payment form, that you will use to create a payment from scratch. If you complete the missing with the appropriate values in contract, the relationship between payment and its contract will be created automatically.
Payment Form: Titles are autocompleted through book model attributes.
As all previous models, payment model has fetchers and auto-completers. On the normal workflow, the payments are generated automatically right after on the contraction but also you the chance to edit or create them manually from scratch.

Payments' Menu

You can left click on any raw data to find its menu.

This is the Payment Menu, it is get activated as the models before. A left click on raw data opens the Payment Menu. As previous models, it indicates some actions that will help you to control the models.

Payments' Fast Search & Filtering

You can left click on any raw data to find its menu.

As all previous models, payment has the functions of full text searchers. You can search anything on the important attributes that will ease every little thing for you. In addition, you can apply bulk data actions on the results.
When you click the button “Filter Payment” you can filter your payments manually on the basis of title ,author, source and target but Corpus auto-completer will be your helper as always

Payments' Bulk Data actions

As all previous models, you can index, search and filter the Payment data. The results can be used in bulk data actions as attached in the attached image below.

The action can be applied to any type of data that is indexed.